CHAIN Workshop "The Future of Food Value Chain Management"

  • Date: 13th May 2024
The participants of the Workshop "The Future of Food Value Chain Management" during Excursion

A landmark seminar in the  framework of the CHAIN Project, focusing on the "Curricula Development of a Master Program in Food Value Chain Management," welcomed 32 distinguished participants from 10 partner institutions, including seven from Kenya, Nigeria and Togo and two from Poland and Romania at the HSWT.

Hosted by HSWT Project Manager Bernd Müller, Assistant Anis Dzankovic and Aizhan Nasyrbekova, the seminar was focusing on the "Curricula Development of a Master Program in Food Value Chain Management". The CHAIN Project, funded by the EU Erasmus+ Programme, is designed with the visionary objectives of establishing a Master Program in Food Value Chain Management and Collaborative Holistic Agriculture Innovation Nests (CHAINs) at six partner Higher Education Institutions.

These innovations aim to support the creativity and entrepreneurial ventures of students, farmers, and entrepreneurs, thereby enhancing their employability and entrepreneurial spirit. Participants attented various discussions and workshops. In a practical part the group visited the Bakery of Family Herzog in Muhr Am See to gain insights of the grain value chain and the Hofkeller in Würzburg where wine production and ripening were discussed.

  • The participants of the Workshop "The Future of Food Value Chain Management" during the workshop
    The participants of the Workshop "The Future of Food Value Chain Management" during the workshop
  • The participants of the Workshop "The Future of Food Value Chain Management" standing on the chairs at the HSWT Triesdorf campus
    The participants of the Workshop "The Future of Food Value Chain Management"

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