• During Your Study

Dates & Information for the Organisation of your Studies

Semester length, exams, leave of absence, credit recognition, practical study semester and much more: topics related to a good organised study programme.

Eine Studentin und ein Student sitzen am Campus Weihenstephan im Gebäude D1 auf dem Boden und lernen gemeinsam

When are lectures, exams or semester breaks?

Current dates for the start and end of the winter and summer semesters can be found here.

The duration of the semester, the lecture and examination periods and the semester breaks are regulated in the Ordinance on the Lecture Period at Universities of Applied Sciences in Bavaria and in the General examination regulations of Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences.

From enrolment to graduation certificate - Your course of study at HSWT

You can find helpful information about your study programme on the following pages. There you will also find important deadlines and forms.

Final documents


More than just a piece of plastic. With your student card you can borrow equipment, take the tram or pay in the canteen. Learn more about the Student.Card here.

Studierende des Studierendenparlaments sitzen mit Professoren in einer Besprechung.
© Ivory Productions

Student Representation

The student council gives you a voice in university politics. Here you can find out everything about the bodies and the elected representatives.