Eine Person informiert sich am Laptop. Neben ihr liegen Broschüren zu ERASMUS+
  • The most successful exchange programme in higher education


The EU education programme Erasmus+ funds international student mobility, exchanges of teachers and staff, and international cooperation projects within Europe and worldwide.

A new seven-year generation of Erasmus+ programmes with a focus on the core themes of sustainability, inclusion, digitalisation and civic engagement started in 2021. The programme countries are made up of the 27 EU member states plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey. However, exchanges, partnerships and cooperation projects are also possible worldwide with Erasmus+.

Gather Experience & Strengthen Relationships - with Erasmus+

The University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf has successfully participated in the Erasmus programme for higher education since 1987. The departments currently maintain partnerships with 66 universities within Europe and 17 partners outside Europe.

A large number of students and teachers as well as an increasing number of HSWT staff take part in an Erasmus exchange every year. In addition, the University of Applied Sciences warmly welcomes foreign Erasmus students in all study programmes every semester. It also successfully participates in capacity building and cooperation partnerships.

The HSWT fulfils all qualitative requirements for successful participation in the Erasmus+ programme. Due to its Erasmus Declaration on Higher Education Policy (European Policy Statement - EPS), it has therefore been awarded the Erasmus Charter.

The Erasmus programme is implemented by the International Office of the HSWT in cooperation with the international representatives of the departments.

In 2011, the HSWT was awarded the Erasmus quality seal "E-Quality" for its special merits and achievements in the ERASMUS exchange.

  • EU Erasmus Qualitätssiegel Logo

Erasmus has broadened my horizons, contributed to personal development, improved language skills and opened so many doors for me and the countless students I have placed abroad. Time and again, the many stays abroad have resulted in unique friendships that can last and change a lifetime. And I still say to students and colleagues: "It's your own fault if you stay at home".

Prof. Dr. Frieder Luz
Former Foreign Representative of the HSWT

Student Mobility: Study or Do an Internship Abroad in Europe

With the Erasmus programme, students can spend one or two semesters studying at a partner university of the HSWT or do an internship in a foreign company.
Would you like to get insight into how students plan and experience their Erasmus+ stay? In the DAAD series Erasmus+ Reportersstudents report on their experiences studying or doing an internship abroad with Erasmus+.


Staff Mobility: Visiting Lectureship or Further Training with Erasmus+

Within the framework of Erasmus staff mobility, lecturers as well as staff of the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf have the opportunity to work as guest lecturers at an European university or other host institution.

Guest lectureships are possible at European partner universities of the HSWT that have a valid Erasmus Charter for Universities of Applied Sciences (ECHE).

For further education and training purposes, HSWT staff can be sponsored to a European University of Applied Sciences with an ECHE or another institution based in a programme country that is active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training or youth. Participation in International Staff Weeks or language courses is also possible.

Further information can be found on our page Teaching, Research & Training Abroad. Current funding rates are available on the DAAD website.

Mobility worldwide for students & lecturers

Under certain conditions, a study or practical stay outside Europe is also possible via Erasmus+. This also applies to staff mobility. Interested parties should contact the International Office of the HSWT.

In addition, individual mobility for study, teaching and further education purposes is also funded outside the EU/EEA area through the funding line Mobility with Partner Countries for Higher Education, which was established in 2015. The HSWT has successfully participated in this funding line since the beginning.

In the current project period, mobility activities are taking place between the HSWT and these partner countries or universities within the framework of the study programmes International Master of Landscape Architecture, the International Master in Agricultural Management and the departments of Forestry and Environmental Engineering:

The exchange in Erasmus+ is possible for teachers of the HSWT and the partner universities, as well as for students in the mentioned study programmes.

International Partnerships & Cooperation Projects

An important component in the internationalisation of universities is the establishment and implementation of joint strategic partnerships and cooperation projects. Erasmus+ offers various instruments and programme lines for this purpose.

In two- or three-year capacity building projects, European universities of applied sciences support the reform and modernisation of universities and higher education systems in more than 150 partner countries of the European Union. Cooperation is possible in the areas of curriculum reform, modernisation of university administration and strengthening the link between universities and society.

Cooperation partnerships (formerly Strategic Partnerships) are designed to support the development, transfer and implementation of innovation and joint initiatives to promote cooperation, peer learning and exchange of experience at the European level.

In the higher education sector, the projects are to produce innovative results and promote the intensive dissemination and use of existing and newly created products or innovative ideas.

The University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf participates in both funding lines with the following projects:

  • GROWTH Coordinator Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • GeoCLIC Project
  • Water Areas Vision for Europe (WAVE) - Integrated knowledge and visions for sustainable water landscapes in Europe
  • Inclusive coastal landscapes (CO-LAND): activating green and blue infrastructure for sustainable development of the urban-land interface
  • Learning how to tell the good food story
  • AgriSat: Innovative curriculum for smart agriculture through satellite and remote sensing data in SEA countries
  • Theoretical-Oriented to Practical education in Agrarian Studies (TOPAS)
  • Democratic Landscape Transformation: Towards an Open Landscape Academy (OLA)


University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
International Office, Funding and Career Service (IFC)
Building C4
Weihenstephaner Berg 5
85354 Freising