Gründer der HSWT sitzen um einen Tisch mit Ihrem neuen Brillen aus Holz.
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  • Innovation promotion at the HSWT

Start-up promotion in study & research

Putting ideas into action: The HSWT supports founders and start-ups from the student body, research or society.

Offers for those interested in founding a company at the HSWT

We support HSWT students, employees and professors in realising their innovative ideas and developments. With our start-up network, advice and programme offers, we help start-ups to bring the enormous potential and expertise from HSWT into society.

Starting up a business during your studies: Support for students

The start-up support at the HSWT aims to sensitise students specifically to entrepreneurship and promotes start-ups even during their studies. In these formats, students willing to start a business will find the support they need.

Nothing suitable? Feel free to talk to us at networking events in Freising at meet@FSIWS and in Triesdorf at STARTUP TALKS. We are also happy to advise you by email and then arrange a personal meeting at (Freising) or (Triesdorf).

Foundations for researchers

Innovations should also find their way into the economy: The HSWT, therefore, supports researchers in founding a company, both through strategic considerations on handling the Intellectual Property (IP) of the HSWT and through proactive advice to inventors and founders.

Founders interested in further education

Even non-students can benefit from the know-how of the HSWT. We offer a 12-month food start-up certificate course, in which participants can advance their business idea in the food sector. Neither a university degree nor a general higher education entrance qualification (certificate) is required to participate in the course. After a successful application, interested parties will receive professional guidance on founding their food start-up.

Network for Entrepreneurship

The start-up support at the HSWT is involved in numerous networks and can establish helpful contacts with other founders or targeted support programmes.

Funding of founding teams and start-ups

In addition to advice and know-how, the HSWT also supports founders and startups with further information on funding programs and credit options. If you have any questions about the application process or individual funding programmes, you can contact us.


Lageplan der Gebäude H am Campus Weihenstephan.


University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
Food Startup Incubator Weihenstephan (FSIWS)
Building H6
Am Staudengarten 11
85354 Freising