Sebastian Peisl
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Prof. Dr Sebastian Peisl

"I am grateful to the University of Applied Sciences and my companions for allowing me to do all this"

Sebastian Peisl's career at HSWT was marked by several perspective changes. Again and again, he has worked in different places, and his tasks and focal points have changed. Through his drive and benevolent support, but, unfortunately, also through a nasty trick of fate.

In September of this year, the Professor of Technology in Horticulture celebrated his 25th anniversary of service at the HSWT. At the time, he was encouraged to apply to the University of Applied Sciences because of his expertise; what attracted him to the position was the link between teaching and research but, above all, the interaction with students. "At first, I didn't intend to take up a position at the University of Applied Sciences," says the 61-year-old. It turned out differently. Sebastian Peisl remembers with gratitude that his colleagues showed confidence in him for numerous different functions - as a programme director, vice department chair and finally, from March 2003, as dean of the Horticulture and Food Technology department. In 2006, Sebastian Peisl became HSWT Vice President for Research and - at the same time - Director of the Federal Research Station of Horticulture Weihenstephan, where he was also Director of the Institute of Horticulture. He held these positions for six years until he was appointed president of the State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture in November 2012.

Full commitment

"All these years were a busy but pleasurable and fulfilling time," recalls the Inntal native. He is a creator: networking, getting involved, making a difference - that is important to him, and thanks to his positions, he had plenty of opportunity and scope to do so. "I am grateful to the University of Applied Sciences and my companions for allowing me to do all this," he says. "It has always been important to me to shape the areas I can influence for my colleagues so they can work in a good, carefree way and feel valued. Unfortunately, you can't always do that completely, and you have to learn to deal with the fact that you can't please everyone."

Good relations with the University of Applied Sciences' professional partner institutions have always been close to Sebastian Peisl's heart, as has good cohesion among colleagues and across departments within the University. On the occasion of the anniversary, he hopes that this will continue to be the case for the future of the HSWT: that everyone pulls together.

Teaching and learning

In addition to his offices and research projects, the Rosenheim native constantly enjoyed particularly the exchange with students, and this is still the case today. "This interaction with young people greatly enriches my everyday life," he emphasises. "In teaching, you develop a certain routine, but then you are repeatedly confronted by students with technical questions that you have never thought about before. These are great new impulses. Working with young people is challenging and refreshing - that's the beauty of this job."

What he remembers most from his 25 years at the University of Applied Sciences are the numerous excursions with students. He remembers one incident in the south of France with particular fondness. "After a long day, the students, my colleagues and I fired up a few barbecues at the campsite in the evening, sizzled steaks and made salads. Because it was low season, we had the campsite practically to ourselves. We celebrated in the evening sun with a view of a beautiful landscape. The atmosphere was wonderful," he says - adding with a smile: "Yes, those were highlights in my life as a prof."

The break

In 2012, Sebastian Peisl moved to the State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture as president. He had to resign from this exciting position after a grave car accident: In 2013, a female driver hit him in the driver's side, and he sustained severe injuries. But the graduate agronomist is not one to throw in the towel. "I make the best of the situation," he says. "The accident hit the reset button, so to speak, and it was also a good opportunity to reflect."

So, his path led back to his vocation as a professor at the University of Applied Sciences and his Upper Bavarian home. There, together with his wife, he has since devoted himself to a new project: they have obtained their sailing licence and now enjoy spending their free time on their boat at Lake Chiemsee. "It is wonderful how the view of the landscape changes when you leave the harbour," Sebastian Peisl enthuses. "Sometimes you look at the Kampenwand, sometimes at reeds and iris meadows, at the islands or the Weitsee." A change of perspective.