Jürgen Pfänder
  • Theme Alumni portraits

Jürgen Pfänder

Jürgen Pfänder graduated in Agriculture from the Triesdorf Campus of the HSWT in 1993. He has used his acquired knowledge to sustainably manage his farm in Ohrnbach in Central Franconia by regional cycles. The Pfänderhof manages over 250 ha of land, fattening around 2,000 pigs and operates a biogas plant of 500 kW rated output and double superstructure. That means that the electricity can be flexibly fed into the grid. Two tractors run on rapeseed oil from a nearby oil mill. Jürgen Pfänder was nominated for the Ceres Award in 2017 for his "passion and entrepreneurial spirit [...] entirely in the interests of the environment". The title of Farmer of the Year is awarded annually to the best farmers in the German-speaking countries who have made an outstanding contribution to agriculture.
