During Your Studies

Scholarships & financial support for your studies

You would like to apply for a scholarship or learn more about funding opportunities? Here you will find the right contact persons and further information.

Scholarship counselling

Have you ever thought about applying for a scholarship as financial support for your studies? Or to network with like-minded people as a scholarship holder?
You can find out which scholarships are available, which sponsors are right for you and what you need to consider when applying in the personal scholarship counselling session.

Offers of financial or non-material support

Studying should not and must not remain a privilege of the wealthy. Scholarships and other financial support help students to make ends meet without having to work four part-time jobs. We would like to present some of the ways in which you can fully or partially finance your studies. The Deutschlandstipendium is even available in addition to BAföG and independent of how much you earn with a part-time job.

In addition to information and contacts, HSWT also offers comprehensive advice if you would like to apply for a scholarship. These are our consulting services:

  • Selection of a suitable scholarship provider
  • Support with your motivation letter
  • Clarification of your questions

Germany Scholarship

Studierende der HSWT sitzen auf einem großen Stein und halten ein Plakat des Deutschlandstipendiums

The Germany Scholarship supports particularly talented and committed students who, in addition to excellent academic achievements, also take on social responsibility. The scholarship also recognises students who have successfully overcome obstacles in their own life and education.

The next application phase for the Deutschlandstipendium will start again in December 2024. The information and the link will be announced here and in the news of the study programmes.

Germany Scholarship

The Deutschlandstipendium supports particularly talented and committed students who, in addition to achieving very good academic results, also assume social responsibility. The scholarship also recognizes students who have successfully overcome obstacles in their own life and educational path.

Offers for scholarship holders

Scholarship celebration at the Schafhof in Freising
Scholarship celebration 2019 at the Schafhof in Freising - President Eric Veulliet welcomes sponsors, scholarship holders and professors

During the annual scholarship celebration, to which sponsors, scholarship holders, members of the faculty selection committees and the university management are invited, the scholarship holders receive their sponsorship certificate from the president of HSWT and have the opportunity to get to know their sponsors.

In addition, some scholarship providers offer an additional program for their scholarship holders beyond the monthly support of 300 euros. These include, for example, company tours or their own networking opportunities so that the scholarship holders can establish contacts with potential employers.

Information for sponsors

Every euro is doubled! Because a Deutschlandstipendium is financed half by HSWT sponsors and half by the federal government. Further advantages and features of the Deutschlandstipendium are presented on the page "Promote and Support".

Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship

With the Oskar-Karl-Forster-Scholarship you can receive a grant to finance learning materials. The Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences awards one-time grants from the Oskar Karl Forster Scholarship Fund to students in need to purchase books and other learning materials.

Contact person

International Office, Funding and Career Service site plan in Weihenstephan at the HSWT.

Contact us

You can arrange counselling appointments - in person, in Zoom or by telephone - by email or telephone.

University of applied sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
International Office, Funding and Career Service (IFC)
Building C4
Weihenstephaner Berg 5
85354 Freising