Özlem Özmutlu Karslioglu
  • Theme Food Technology

Prof. Dr Özlem Özmutlu Karslioglu

What fascinates you about being an HAW professor?

I am fascinated by the freedom of repeatedly establishing new contacts at the University of Applied Sciences and the work on changing topics in research and teaching. In addition, I can give young people in particular new or different perspectives.

What do you particularly appreciate about the HSWT?

The green University of applied sciences, research opportunities, the family atmosphere among colleagues, staff and students. That also includes the very different backgrounds of the students, which I consider enriching for the learning atmosphere and cooperation. Some students are gaining their first experiences at a University of Applied Sciences, while others already have university experiences. I find the perspectives and motivation of the students who already come with vocational qualifications and work experience very inspiring. They are able to link new knowledge with their previous experience and usually act in a very conscious and goal-oriented way.

What was your personal path to the HAW professorship? Where did you gain practical experience outside the University of applied sciences?

After my doctorate at TUM, I worked with increasing technical and managerial responsibility in various fields of activity in the research and development centre of a large corporation in the food industry. I managed the product and process development "Projects Worldwide", including projects in the field of process optimisation, process design and quality improvement for chocolate as well as fresh and processed cheese. After 12 years of experience in the industry, I came up with the idea of passing on this knowledge and my experience to the next generation in Food Technology and showing students the close and meaningful interlinking of teaching, research and production.

What challenges have you successfully mastered during your time as a professor?

The greatest challenge for me was the academic-scientific German language because I used to carry out all my scientific work in English-speaking countries. Of course, as a mother of two, time management is always a challenge, but as long as you are motivated to make your dreams come true, it is possible. "When there is a will, there is a way!"

What is your most important recommendation to women interested in this career path?

Dare! If you want to redefine your horizon, your freedom and your goal in life, don't wait!