Corinna Esterer
  • Theme Alumni portraits

Corinna Esterer

Corinna Esterer graduated in Environmental Engineering from our University of Applied Sciences in 2014. During her practical semester, she became part of the bald ibis team and has since been involved in reintroducing this migratory bird. The bald ibis - eaten as a delicacy and therefore heavily hunted - became extinct throughout Central Europe as early as the 17th century. In the Waldrappteam project, offspring from zoos is, therefore, raised and guided by ultralight aircraft to their wintering grounds in Tuscany - because the Waldrapp has lost its natural migratory behaviour. That is the first attempt to reintroduce a migratory bird species that has become extinct in this country and shows migratory behaviour like its ancestors.

More information on the Waldrappteam project