Architekt:innen auf einer Baustelle
  • Master in Landscaping in Freising

Landscape Construction and Management

Further qualification for your career in landscaping while working: The Master's programme deepens and expands your skills in the core topics of plants, technology and management - adapted to the working rhythm of the green industry.

Your studies in a nutshell
  • Duration  4 semesters
  • Language  German
  • Location  Campus Weihenstephan
  • Semester  Winter semester
  • Work  Part-time
Master of Engineering (M. Eng.)
Admission restriction
  • Bachelor's degree in horticulture and landscaping or a comparable degree programme with at least 180 ECTS or at least 6 semesters.
  • Proof of at least one year of relevant, qualified practical work experience after the first professionally qualifying university degree
Target group

Graduates and professionals in the gardening and landscaping sector

Group size

14 – 19 participants


Total fees of 10.500 Euro plus. Semester fee

Master's degree programme in Landscape Construction and Management

Are you interested in plants, technical interrelationships and climate-friendly construction? Then apply for the Landscape Construction and Management Master's degree programme! The future-oriented and practical programme prepares you for corporate management and leadership roles as well as challenges in the professional management of gardening and landscaping projects. We train experts in the fields of plants, technology and management and deepen your existing knowledge in selected modules - also with regard to climate change.

Procedure for the Master's programme in Landscape Construction and Management in Freising

Have you been working in horticulture and landscaping for some time or are you just starting your career? Then this degree programme is for you.

Programme content

With project work, varied forms of learning and a combination of digital learning formats as well as attendance components at the Weihenstephan campus, you will prepare yourself for your future career in landscaping and gain the necessary qualifications. You will benefit from all the structures and resources that the Landscape Architecture department at HSWT has built up over the years.

Study programme

The modularly structured Master's in Landscape Architecture with 90 ECTS credits can be completed in four semesters while working. The particular workload in the summer months for those working in the green sector is taken into account in that the two summer semesters each have less content/services than the winter semesters.

Around half of the degree programme is completed as attendance-based study (in blocks during the week or at weekends), while the other half is completed via distance learning. In this way, the HSWT fulfils the modern requirements of blended learning.

From the very beginning, the goal of a Master's thesis is considered with the help of seminars, e.g. on finding a topic, and is supported until the end of the programme. With the various projects, the curriculum not only enables in-depth practical experience, but also the opportunity to focus on the research work (Master's thesis). In this way, students receive a Master's degree that qualifies them for both professional and research purposes.

Cost structure

The fee for the Landscape Construction and Management Master's programme is 10,500 euros.

The fee is payable in four instalments of 3,500 euros in the first semester, 2,300 euros in the second semester, 3,500 euros in the third semester and 1,200 euros in the fourth semester. The first instalment is due for payment by mid-September following written confirmation of enrolment on the Master's degree programme. The second to fourth instalments are due on the occasion of re-registration, i.e. for the summer semester by the end of January of a year at the latest and for the winter semester by the end of June of a year at the latest. The payee is the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf. In addition, there is the semester fee, which is payable per semester.

Programme structure: Master in Landscape Construction and Management

The Master's degree programme is based on the working rhythm of the gardening and landscaping industry and therefore provides more content in the winter semesters.

Your career prospects with a Master's in Landscape Construction and Management

Precisely because the gardening and landscaping sector has seen respectable growth in recent years, both in terms of personnel and turnover, new tasks and challenges are emerging that can only be mastered by qualified personnel with a Master's degree.

The Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) Landscape Construction and Management degree offers you numerous opportunities and promotion prospects, e.g. as a

  • Manager in medium-sized and large companies in garden, landscape and sports field construction
  • Staff in the higher service of public administration (horticultural offices, nature conservation authorities, ministries)
  • Staff for vocational school training, master craftsman training, technician training
  • Landscape architecture offices specialising in construction management
  • Project management offices
  • Engineering offices
  • Consulting companies
  • Civil engineering companies
  • Housing associations
  • Public administration (garden centres, nature conservation authorities)
  • Specialised authorities such as road construction and water management authorities
  • Specialised companies, e.g. for site remediation, engineering biology
  • Specialised media & associations
  • Industry (e.g. construction machinery manufacturers, building material producers)
  • Research institutions within or outside the universities of applied sciences
  • Authorisation to do a doctorate through a degree qualifying for research

Requirements for the Master's programme Landscape Construction and Management

In order to be admitted to the Master's degree programme in Landscape Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Agricultural or Horticultural Sciences, Agricultural Engineering, Horticulture, Agriculture, Civil Engineering or a comparable degree programme is required.

The Bachelor's degree programme must have comprised at least 180 ECTS or at least six semesters. Alternatively, a degree from an equivalent degree programme at a German University of Applied Sciences or University or an equivalent degree from a foreign University of Applied Sciences or University entitles the applicant to admission.

The examination board decides on the equivalence of the degree programme in accordance with Art. 63 Para. 1 BayHSchG.

Proof of at least one year of relevant, qualified practical work experience after the first professionally qualifying university degree is also required.

Study for a Master's degree in Landscaping at Weihenstephan: Why you're making the right decision with us

  • Part-time study programme that takes your work schedule into account
  • Targeted programme structure that focuses on the Master's thesis from semester 1 onwards
  • Active project studies with intensive practical relevance

More information about the Master's in Landscaping in Freising
