HAW.International: Design Thinking Workshop with 24 international students and 6 visiting professors from Thailand and Kenya

  • Date: 9th June 2023

Next steps in the DAAD-funded HAW.International project

An immersive workshop on the topic of "Design Thinking" brought together seven international students funded by the HAW.International project and six visiting professors from South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU) and Khon Kaen University (Thailand) at the campus in Triesdorf. The workshop took place as part of a two-week summer school in the international summer semester of the Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition department to test newly developed modules. The summer school was organised as part of the HAW.International project. Over the course of the project, a new international certificate programme and Master's degree programme in the field of "Innovations and Startups in Food Value Chains" are to be developed. The two-week summer school was also open to other international students from Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Togo.

Together, the professors and students formed six dynamic groups worked on pressing challenges within the food value chains of Thailand and Kenya using design thinking approaches. Under the management of startup and design thinking expert Tobias Greissing, the workshop sharpened the participants' problem-solving skills and their innovative spirit. In particular, the workshop highlighted the potential of design thinking in the design of future academic curricula.

Hanno Koßmann outlines the next steps of the programme: "Our vision goes beyond this workshop. Our aim is to incorporate the methods taught by Tobias into a joint Master's programme and prepare our students to be pioneers in their respective fields. Look forward to exciting updates as we continue to rethink education!"