Appeal for donations

Education is important even in times of war; it offers hope and prospects for a better future. This is why HSWT is offering online semesters for Ukrainian students who are unable to leave their country. We ask for your financial support.

For an online semester of Ukrainian international students

Eine Studentin aus der Ukraine sitzt am Campus Triesdorf vor einem Laptop und nimmt an einer Online-Vorlesung teil.
© Aruzhan Bainazarova

For more than two years, not only houses but also hundreds of lives have been destroyed in Ukraine every day. People are leaving the country in order to survive. But those who do not have this option stay and fear for their lives every day.

For students in Ukraine who are unable to leave the country but are striving for education, the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf offers the opportunity to complete an online semester and earn certificates as the key to a better future.

A major hurdle for these young people is financing their studies.

That is why we are asking for your financial support. With your donations - any amount is welcome - you can help Ukrainian students to study and achieve their academic goals. Together we can ensure that education is accessible to all, regardless of the country in which a young person was born.

The University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf offers students not only from Ukraine, but from 21 countries around the world, the opportunity to receive a first-class online education. But for many of these talented young people, access to this education is difficult due to financial barriers.

Together, let's open the doors to education and create a world where everyone has the chance to realise their full potential. Please make a donation and support the online degree programme at Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences!

How can I provide support?

Any contribution is welcome. Donations can be made by bank transfer to the following account:


Bavarian State Treasury in Landshut

Intended use

"Future Fund Ukraine" of the HSWT

Booking indicator



DE75 7005 0000 0001 1903 15



Payments can be made online by credit card, direct debit or Paypal via the payment platform of the State Office of Finance.

The donation is tax-deductible. Up to an amount of 300 euros, the payment receipt is sufficient proof of donation. For amounts over 300 euros, we will issue a donation receipt on request. We require the name and address of the donor for this.
