Quercus x warei kindred spirit 'Nadler' - 'Nadler' Oak

Helmut Petz: Climate protection is an important concern for him - as a politician and in his private life

Drawn tree 'Nadler' oak, Quercus x warei kindred spirit 'Nadler

As a district administrator, Helmut Petz fulfils a wide variety of tasks in state law enforcement - as well as in district politics and as the representative of the district of Freising. He applied for this "dream job", as he calls it, because of the many opportunities it offers. He also wants the district to be as climate-neutral as possible: he is committed to this in office and his private life.

"We are planning a climate conference for next spring. We see it as an important intermediate step on the way to theCO2 neutrality of the district of Freising decided by the district council. We have found an excellent companion for this in the HSWT, which is an ultra-modern, world-class centre of science," explains the 64-year-old, who feels that the University of Applied Sciences is not only a competent partner, but also a motor of development in the district. Professional reasons had brought him to the green campus more often in the past. The nature-loving district administrator is sponsoring a "Nadler" oak (Quercus X Warei kindred spirit "Nadler") as a private person. He hopes to be able to visit the arboretum "as a personal tree nature trail" more often in the future. "My heart swells at the sight of trees. For me, they give hope and point the way to a good future," enthuses Helmut Petz. Trees bindCO2, produce oxygen, provide shade and offer animals a habitat - for him, many good reasons to support the HSWT planting campaign and to set an example as a private citizen Petz. "We absolutely have to get the climate change right," he emphasises. "So that future generations can enjoy the wonders of nature as we do today," is the district administrator's wish. What he would like to see beyond that, and also with a view to the applied science of the University of applied sciences, is an unbiased view of problems, a clear will to act, good stamina and even better assertiveness.

Qualities that Helmut Petz himself has impressively demonstrated in his career: Before he took office as district administrator in May 2020, he was, among other things, an administrative judge in all instances, most recently at the Federal Administrative Court. He is also a part-time lecturer at the University of Munich. And some 20 years ago, he was already in charge of the building office in the district administration of Freising. In all the years of his professional career, he has always remained loyal to his Bavarian homeland. Today, more than ever, he is committed to keeping it livable. Political goals already implemented include, for example, making the Freising Clinic fit for the future, advancing new school projects and consistently expanding local public transport. He knows: "There is still an infinite amount to do in the area of climate protection!" As a tree sponsor and as a partner of the HSWT in the Freising district office, Helmut Petz will therefore certainly take many more steps in the right direction in the future.

Young tree 'Nadler' Oak, Quercus x warei kindred spirit 'Nadler' - 'Nadler' Oak

Distribution: USA, hybrid of Q. robur 'fastigata' and Q. bicolor

Size: 10 to 15 metres high

Leaves: ovate to elliptic, deeply lobed, dark green, 8 to 15 cm, yellow autumn colours

Flower: golden yellow catkins

Fruits: ovoid to oval, solitary or in pairs, cups with triangular scales

Picture of the trunk of 'Nadler' oak, Quercus x warei kindred spirit 'Nadler'.
Branches of 'Nadler' oak, Quercus x warei kindred spirit 'Nadler'
Foliage of 'Nadler' oak, Quercus x warei kindred spirit 'Nadler'