• Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Veröffentlichungen der HSWT

Die chronologische Liste zeigt aktuelle Veröffentlichungen aus dem Forschungsbetrieb der Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf. Zuständig ist das Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer (ZFW).

  • Dr. agr. Andreas Gabriel, Prof. Dr. Vera Bitsch, Prof. Dr. Klaus Menrad

    • Berechtigungen:  Peer Reviewed

    Conceptual framework for system analysis of family-run agricultural enterprises (2016) Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 28 (4), S. 325-344. DOI: 10.1080/08276331.2016.1205914

  • Dr. Peter Rose, Simon Hager, Dr. Karl Glas, Prof. Dr. Dirk Rehmann, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hofmann

    • Berechtigungen:  Open Access
    • Berechtigungen:  Peer Reviewed

    Coating techniques for glass beads as filter media for removal of manganese from water (2016) Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 17 (1), S. 95-106. DOI: 10.2166/ws.2016.116

    Dry as well as wet coating techniques were developed to coat glass beads as filter media to remove manganese from water. For dry coating, powdered manganese oxide ore was fixed on the media surface. Wet coating was achieved by depositing synthetic manganese oxides onto the bead surface. The media were characterized by electron microscopy as well as by testing the removal of Mn2+ in a continuous stirred tank reactor. Image analysis of microscopic pictures illustrated that the surface area could partly be coated by powdered material using dry coating methods, whereas complete coverage was achieved using wet coating approaches. With regard to dry coating techniques, Mn sorption uptake was higher for the adhesively dry coated glass beads than for beads where a binding agent was used. The wet coating column approach proved to be more successful than the coating of beads in a stirred tank reactor. Mn removal capability of the beads increased with higher reactant concentrations during coating. Oxide-coated glass beads applied in filter systems have the potential to improve conventional demanganization processes.
  • Dr. Thomas Schwend, Dietmar Prucker, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peisl, Athanasios Nitsopoulos, Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel

    • Berechtigungen:  Peer Reviewed

    The rosmarinic acid content of basil and borage correlates with the ratio of red and far-red light (2016) European Journal of Horticultural Science 81 (5), S. 243-247. DOI: 10.17660/eJHS.2016/81.5.2

    Rosmarinic acid (RA) and caffeic acid (CA) are potent antixodiants and show antimicrobial activity against many fungal plant pathogens. Their biosynthesis employs enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway, a pathway that in mustard is regulated by phytochrome. If RA biosynthesis is regulated by phytochromes one would expect that the RA level correlated with the ratio of red to far-red light. In this paper we tested this hypothesis by growing basil and borage under different ratios of red to far-red light. CA and RA contents were measured with state of the art LC-MS/MS. Regression analysis showed that there is a significant inverse correlation of the ratio of red to far-red light and the content of RA, but not of CA. Hence, we conclude that RA biosynthesis is regulated by phytochrome.
  • K. Vogt, Prof. Dr. Dominikus Gregor Kittemann

    Drosophila Suzukii in der Anbau-Praxis. Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zur Bedeutung und Bekämpfung der Kirschessigfliege (2016) Obstbau 40 (7).

  • M.Sc. Simon Goisser, Gabriele Jorias, Thomas Lohrer, Christian Sieweke, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hannus, Prof. Dr. Georg Ohmayer

    Nutzenanalyse des online basierten Pflanzenschutzinformationssystems PsIGa (2016) Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Vol. 253, Seite 49-52 .

  • M.Sc. Simon Goisser, Gabriele Jorias, Christian Sieweke, Thomas Lohrer, Prof. Dr. Georg Ohmayer, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hannus

    Effiziente Pflanzenschutzberatung mithilfe von PsIGa (2016) Der Gartenbau 137 (9), S. 39.

  • M.Sc. Simon Goisser, Gabriele Jorias, Christian Sieweke, Thomas Lohrer, Prof. Dr. Georg Ohmayer, Prof. Dr. Thomas Hannus

    PsIGa hilft bei effizienter Pflanzenschutz-Beratung (2016) Deutsche Baumschule, 68, Heft 5, S. 44 .

  • Dr. Thomas Schwend, M. Kriedel, Dietmar Prucker, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Peisl, Prof. Dr. Heike Susanne Mempel

    • Berechtigungen:  Peer Reviewed

    On the role of the light regime in root development of Euphorbia pulcherrima leafy stem cuttings (2016) European Journal of Horticultural Science (EJHS) 81 (3), S. 148-151. DOI: 10.17660/eJHS.2016/81.3.2

    The development of primordial roots of Euphorbia pulcherrima cuttings coincides with a significant increase in photosynthesis. Therefore, Svenson and Davies (1990) suggested that supplementary lighting has no effect on root development of Euphorbia pulcherrima cuttings before primordial roots develop. In this study this hypothesis was experimentally challenged. Cuttings were cultivated with supplementary lighting from the day of sticking and compared to cuttings that were exposed to the same lighting after primordial root development. Our data show that both sets of cuttings developed equally well and both did better than cuttings that were cultivated without supplementary light. Moreover, the data show that light quality had a major impact on root number, length and weight. Therefore, this study confirms the hypothesis of Svenson and Davies (1990) and shows that the positive effect of supplementary lighting is partially mediated by photoreceptors.

Betreuung der Publikationsseiten

Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer - Lageplan in Weihenstephan an der HSWT


Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer
Gebäude H21
Am Staudengarten 9
85354 Freising

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