• Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Veröffentlichungen der HSWT

Die chronologische Liste zeigt aktuelle Veröffentlichungen aus dem Forschungsbetrieb der Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf. Zuständig ist das Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer (ZFW).

  • Prof. Dr. Monika Gerschau

    Landwirt im Spannungsfeld zwischen Handel und Verbraucher (2004) Bayerischer Bauernverband in Amberg, 28.10.2004 .

  • Prof. Dr. Monika Gerschau

    Der Markt für Ökoprodukte in Deutschland. Vermarktung von bulgarischen Nahrungsmitteln in Deutschland (2004) Vorträge bei der binationalen Tagung in Sofia/Bulgarien, 08.10. und 09.10.2004 .

  • H. Diller, Prof. Dr. Markus Beinert

    Kunden immer wieder faszinieren (2004) Zeitschrift für Markenführung 2004 (10), S. 18-23.

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder, Reinhold Gutser, Ludwig Nätscher

    Humusreproduktion organischer Düngerstoffe in Abhängigkeit von der Intensität der N-Düngung in Langzeitexperimenten (2004) Vortrag bei dem 116. VDLUFA-Kongress, 13.-17. September 2004 in Rostock .

  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder, Reinhold Gutser, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hege

    Steigerung der N-Effizienz durch teilflächenangepasste Düngestrategien (2004) Vortrag bei der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung, 01.-03. September 2004 in Göttingen .

  • Prof. Dr. Martina Hofmann, J. Isselstein

    • Berechtigungen:  Peer Reviewed

    Effects of drought and competition by a ryegrass sward on the seedling growth of a range of grassland species (2004) Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 190 (4), S. 277-286. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-037X.2004.00117.x

    In de‐intensified grassland where an increased seedling recruitment is seen as a prerequisite to enhance plant species diversity, establishment success of introduced seeds of wildflower species is often poor. Outshading by the existing sward and dry weather spells when seedlings are at an early stage of development are major reasons for a low seedling establishment. The effects of drought and competition by an existing Lolium perenne sward on the growth of seedlings of seven wildflower species were investigated under standardized environmental conditions. Without competition (control), the relative growth rate of the wildflower seedlings varied between 103 (Tragopogon pratensis) and 184 mg g−1 day−1 (Leontodon autumnalis). Species differed in the extent of growth reduction by competition. Compared with the control, reduction of seedling dry weight ranged from 45 % (Trifolium pratense) up to 88 % (Daucus carota). The time range between onset of desiccation and first effects on growth varied between species, with T. pratense showing early and strong growth reduction in contrast to D. carota being least affected. It can be concluded, that those species which maintain a comparatively high growth rate supported by adapted shoot‐root allocation are most promising for establishment in grassland as they can exploit profiles of higher resource availability.
  • Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bellof, J Pallauf

    • Berechtigungen:  Peer Reviewed

    Deposition of protein, fat and energy in lambs of the breed German Merino Landsheep (2004) Animal Science 78 (3), S. 369-378. DOI: 10.1017/S135772980005877X

    The purpose of this study was to assess the deposition of fat, protein and energy during the growth period of lambs. Male and female lambs (no. = 54 of each) were fattened (three feeding levels) and slaughtered at various body weights (BW): 18, 30, 45, and 55 kg. Based on the method of the comparative slaughter technique the total body of each animal was analysed. From the data of empty-body gain, fat, protein and energy deposition in the different fattening periods was calculated.The male lambs showed at all body weights tested and in all feeding level groups a lower daily fat deposition and a higher daily protein deposition compared with the female lambs. The deposition of fat increased in both genders with increasing body weight. The amount of increase differed between the three feeding levels. The male lambs showed at all body weights and in all feeding level groups a higher daily gain in body weight but a lower daily deposition of energy compared with the female lambs. However, for the latter, the gender difference rarely reached statistical significance. Parallel to the daily deposition of fat the daily deposition of energy increased in both genders with increasing body weight.Based on the deposition of fat and protein during the growth period of the lambs the body composition was estimated by allometric equations. The equations showed a consistent pattern of protein concentration falling and fat concentration rising with increasing empty body weight. Compared with the literature a higher protein and lower fat concentration in empty body gain was predicted.
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Ebertseder, Reinhold Gutser, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hege, Prof. Dr. Urs Schmidhalter

    Kann die N-Effizienz durch teilflächenspezifische Düngestrategien verbessert werden? (2004) Vortrag bei dem IKB-Workshop "Precision Farming" am 2.-3. Juni 2004 in Freising-Weihenstephan .

Betreuung der Publikationsseiten

Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer - Lageplan in Weihenstephan an der HSWT


Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
Zentrum für Forschung und Wissenstransfer
Gebäude H21
Am Staudengarten 9
85354 Freising

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