Prisca V. Kremer-Rücker
  • Theme Animal Breeding and Husbandry

Prof. Dr. med. vet. habil. Prisca V. Kremer-Rücker

What fascinates you about being an HAW professor?

Most certainly working with young people. There is little routine - every day is different, every group of students is individual, and so is the variety of modules for which I am responsible. There is simply no such thing as boredom! And I like that very much! Furthermore, the opportunity to be involved in research throughout my life is also a grand enrichment. You can think things through further, discard them or take them up again if you want to.

What do you particularly appreciate about the HSWT?

The unique working environment here in Triesdorf. I get to work in a great team, and we live our motto here at work: With passion for the land and food.

What was your personal path to the HAW professorship? Where did you gain practical experience outside the University of Applied Sciences?

After my studies in veterinary medicine, I naturally wanted to do a doctorate - as is usual in medicine - without knowing what that actually meant. But shortly after starting my doctorate, I was captivated by my fascination for scientific thinking and work, which remains undimmed to this day. My doctoral supervisor also seemed to have recognised this and "informed" me on the day of my viva that now I would habilitate with him. Of course, I was very honoured and motivated by this. In addition to my scientific work on habilitation, as a veterinarian, I supervised a state experimental farm with 1000 pigs and 450 cattle from a veterinary and scientific point of view, thus gaining the necessary practical experience.

What challenges have you successfully mastered during your time as a professor?

The biggest, but nonetheless successful, was certainly convincing my husband to move from Houston to the Ansbach district.

What is your most important recommendation to women interested in this profession?

Do! Always write it at the top of the to-do list, and above all, never ask the question of children or career - it's not always easy, but both are possible; give men a chance to be equal fathers!